Education & Learning
We create a transformative learning and teaching environment focused on strategic values, support services, and excellence in educational operations.
Education & Learning Reporting Units
Undergraduate Education
The Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) challenges students to become accomplished learners who are able to make meaningful connections among work, study, and community. We connect curricular and co-curricular offerings to assist students in developing a strong foundation for success, during college and after.
Graduate & Postdoctoral Education
The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Education assists prospective graduate students, current graduate students, and postdoctoral scholar at Georgia Tech. Their mission is to enhance students’ training and professional development, while building a sense of community.
Center for Teaching & Learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is here to enhance the learning and teaching environment at Georgia Tech by encouraging a fully engaged, sharing community with communication networks, resources, and innovative programs for faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students.
Senior Vice Provost, Laurence “Larry” Jacobs
Laurence J. Jacobs was recently selected as Georgia Tech’s first senior vice provost for Education and Learning (SVP-EL) in the newly established office. As SVP-EL, Jacobs’ primary objective will be to lead the Institute’s strategic initiative to define and implement a transformative learning strategy that builds on the foundations of established successful programs. He will elevate student success, education, and learning while also providing dedicated strategic leadership for graduate, postdoctoral, and undergraduate education through the direct supervision of administrative and support services provided by the offices of Undergraduate Education, Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL).
Jacobs currently serves as professor and associate dean for Academic Affairs in Georgia Tech’s College of Engineering (COE). He is responsible for all undergraduate, graduate, and international academic programs in the COE. He has been a leader in undergraduate curricular reform that emphasizes multidisciplinary design, innovation, problem-based learning, and interdisciplinary minors. He was a champion for the establishment of CREATE-X plus four distinct, new student-run maker spaces.